Operating data

Operating licence Day and night, according to visual flight rules
Aircraft permitted Aircraft up to 14,000 kg gross weight, helicopters up to 10,000 kg gross weight, power gliders, gliders with aerotow or winch launch, airships, ultralight aircraft with radio, balloons, parachutes
Opening hours
  • Summer: 8 AM – 6 PM UTC, PPR at other times
  • Winter: PPR, 24 hours before landing if possible
Landing information
Location indicator (ICAO) EDXJ
Airport category
General aerodrome
Frequency 122.050
Geo Location 54 30 60 N
09 08 30 E
Elevation 20 m
62 ft
Phone +49 4841 - 9666 - 0
Mobile +49 171 - 991 54 53
Fax +49 4841 - 9666 - 50